welcome to: one thousand stuffed animals on a skateboard

my dad will be so proud; i'm finally learning how to code


top three on-going webtoons

  1. love me to death by toonimated
  2. type-blind by soycisoy
  3. tangled in red by scragony

why am i learning to code?

because i took my adderall too late and had a micro-nap before bedtime which caused me to be unable to sleep

and i had just learned about neocities the day before

so of course that meant i had nothing better to do and i figured:

this is gonna be fun >:]

has it been fun?

yes it has, even though i don't understand it fully yet

granted, its been like only a couple hours of doing and learning

but i think i'm picking it up pretty quick

i'm having a really good time doing this :]

please enjoy the rapid iterations of this website as i learn more about html and css :]